The Difference Between A Joint, Blunt, And Spliff
The Three Types of Cannabis Rolls: Joints, Blunts, and Spliffs
Cannabis culture has its own distinct language and while an outsider may think that terms like joint, blunt, and spliff are interchangeable, there are some distinct differences between the three. Before heading to your local dispensary, brush up on the lingo and understand the unique characteristics of the three broad categories of rolled cannabis.
What is a Joint?
Joints are arguably the most classic way to smoke marijuana. A joint is simply any strain of cannabis, with no filler, rolled inside a thin rolling paper and often features a crutch—a filter or tip that improves airflow, blocks plant matter from getting in your mouth, and keeps you from burning your hands or lips when smoking.
According to a 2016 study, the average American joint contains about 0.3 grams of marijuana; however, thanks in part to the wide variety of rolling papers available, joints come in all sizes—from super small pinners to full-on fatties.
Traditionally, joints have been rolled with white or tan paper made from wood pulp—think of the classic pack of orange Zig Zags—but these days, there are all sorts of artful wraps coming in a wide array of colors and patterns, made from a variety of materials, and available in numerous flavors.
The Pros and Cons of Joints
Pros: The low profile of joints has made them the go-to roll of many marijuana users—they’re discreet, portable, and easily disposed of. Joints are also convenient, easy to roll once you learn how (insert how to roll a joint article link here), and only require cannabis, papers, and a lighter. For smokers who prefer a crutch, they’re easily constructed from a business card or from a rolling paper’s packaging. Joints are also versatile; you can roll small ones for smoking solo or large ones for getting high with a group.
Cons: Rolling really good joints takes practice, and poorly rolled joints can burn quickly and require frequent relighting—of course, if rolling is problematic, you can always buy pre-rolled joints at your local dispensary. Because joints don’t use any filler, they also require more cannabis than some other options.
What is a Blunt?
Like a joint, a blunt is strictly filled with just cannabis. However, unlike a joint, which is rolled with papers, a blunt is rolled with cigar or tobacco papers.
In general, blunts are the largest of all the rolled categories and contain the most cannabis—they commonly contain a gram or two of marijuana. In addition to containing more cannabis, blunts pack an extra kick as the tobacco wrapper can add a little buzz to a cannabis high.
As a rule, blunts are brown and while some smokers might dream of the fun colors and novelty designs of rolling papers, many cannabis connoisseurs find beauty in the contrast between a blunt’s rich brown exterior and vibrant green insides. Blunts typically have a tobacco taste intermingled with that of cannabis, although it’s not uncommon to find flavored blunt wraps at a dispensary near you.
The Pros and Cons of Blunts
Pros: Between their larger amount of cannabis content and tobacco wrappers, blunts are popular with smokers chasing a buzz. Blunts also burn slower than their counterparts, which in combination with their larger size, make them ideal for social smoking and passing around groups. Blunts are also discreet—they look like an everyday cigar and are easily disposed of.
Cons: Blunts can pack a punch, which makes it easy for newcomers to overdo it. Blunts are also the trickiest to roll, although that is easily overcome by simply purchasing pre-rolled blunts on your next trip to the local dispensary.
What is a Spliff?
On the outside, spliffs and joints look similar, if not the same—they’re rolled using the same types of papers as joints and commonly incorporate a crutch in their construction. The difference between joints and spliffs lies on the inside: spliffs are filled using a combination of tobacco and cannabis.
The use of tobacco allows the smoker to use less marijuana and provides an even buzzier effect than that of blunts. Blending tobacco and cannabis also enables the roller to control the potency of a spliff by adjusting the tobacco-to-cannabis ratio of their roll.
The Pros and Cons of Spliffs
Pros: The ability to adjust the strength of a spliff makes it a popular option for newer smokers. Blending tobacco with marijuana also makes spliffs a cost-effective option for smokers on a budget and can make cannabis last longer for those who don’t have a dispensary nearby. In addition to their lowkey effects, spliffs are arguably the most inconspicuous of all the types of rolled cannabis—they look like a rolled cigarette and the tobacco helps cover up the tell-tale smell of ganja.
Cons: The most obvious downside of spliffs is all the bad stuff that comes along with smoking tobacco. Furthermore, smoking marijuana and tobacco together can increase cannabis dependence. Lastly, while newer users will enjoy the lower potency, some smokers might find them to not pack enough of a punch.
Lowkey Dispensary
Lowkey doesn’t discriminate—we welcome j smokers, blunt hitters, and spliff tokers alike—and we’ve got all your cannabis needs covered. If you’re still not sure what’s right for you, our experienced staff can help you discover the best type of roll to meet your desired experience. ign up for our newsletter to keep up with the latest Lowkey news, updates, and promotions.